With this form you can send polite request to the President of The United States demanding the release of Leonard Peltier, Please you do it does not take much time but can help very much
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Also you can by his book
Here a description

Prison Writings
My Life is My Sundance

The long awaited memoir of Americas's most controversial political prisoner Leonard Peltier

"Doing time creates a demented darkness of my own imagination doing time does this thing to you. But of course, you don't do time. You do without it. Or rather, time does you. Time is a cannibal that devours the flesh of your years day by day, bite by bite."

-Leonard Peltier

Immortalized in Peter Mathiessen's In The Spirit of Crazy Horse, Leonard Peltier now in his 24th year of confinement at Leavenworth, was wrongfully convicted of the killing of two FBI agents in 1977. Prison Writings, compiled by Peltier during his incarceration, tells the extraordinary story of his life-his impoverished upbringing in the Dakotas, his gradual identification as a leader and Native American warrior during the political upheavals o f the late 1960's and early 1970's and the tense battles with the government that led to the "Incident at Oglala" (made into a prize winning movie by Robet Redford).

Whether writing about his escape to Canada following Oglala, his capture, or the infamous trial that resulted, Peltier is remarkably philosophical, and even forgiving, his vision a blanket of mercy and compassion.

To order your copy, send a check or money order for $25,br> (Includes shipping and handling) to:
LPDC, P.O. Box 583, Lawrence, Kansas 66044